Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > newborn rabbit litter with damage

newborn rabbit litter with damage

22 11:35:15

We found three newborn wild rabbits in our back yard today.  Two had been badly wounded and one was in good condition.  From what I have read of your answers, the mother may have pulled out some fur for a blanket, but a cat must have found the little ones.  Our dog picked up the one that was well and we took it from her unharmed.  Now what?  It is very active but will not nurse.  We bought a nursing bottle from the pet store and a can of formula for pets.  This little one has a fat belly, but will need to feed soon.  I have him (?) in a Ziploc box with a soft cloth in it on a heating pad set on low.  Is there anything else I can do?  Is there any hope, or should I just take it to the SPCA?  Any advice will be MOST welcome.  Thanks.
Penny Hyder

Hi Penny,

I think it would do best with an animal charity where they know how to care for it. If this baby had a fat belly, it means that it was being fed by the mother. Try to feed it but if it definitely will not take it then you may have to take it to an animal shelter.

Hope this Helps