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Female dwarf marking/peeing everywhere!

22 11:23:13

Hello Dana,

We acquired an adorable female dwarf bunny about 3 weeks ago (unspayed, I have made an appointment).  I was told she was litterbox trained and seemed to be so at first glance.  Her box has been seems to have good use and I have had to change the bedding daily.  I have noticed, however, she has been backing up and peeing all over the carpeted room she is housed in.  She has a nice litter box in her cage that I line with Timothy hay (lightly at one end, fuller at the other. because of this peeing problem, I have spent the last couple of days sitting and observing her carefully.She will play with me, allow me to nuzzle and stroke her, run around playfully and then back into a corner and look at me and pee!  I have thumped the floor and told her "No!" and coaxed her into her cage with treats, but it doesn't seem to help. Any ideas as to why she is doing this other than a lack of spaying issue? Thanks for any help!!


Nancy Hagner

Dear Nancy,

The spaying is the main issue, but any time a bunny moves to a new home--even she's spayed--you can expect this type of behavior as she marks her new space and learns her boundaries.

Spaying will help, but you don't want her to make the new pee spots a permanent habit, so please try the tips here:

to teach her where her litterbox limits are, and keep her confined in her little "home space" unless closely supervised until she is spayed and healed, and her hormone situation will make permanent litterbox training a bit more possible.

Good luck!
