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New bunny momma

22 9:41:49

I have had my New Holland Lop for about five months now, and I am assuming he is about 8 or 9 months old, however I am not sure. But I am a first time bunny momma and i just wanna make sure that I am doing things correctly. I just want to know what i should be feeding him, right now it is a pellet "fake fruit" mixture with some Timmothy hay. For treats he gets cilantro and parsley daily. I change his litter every 2 days and clean his cage every week. He is fixed and had a checkup (hes going back in a few weeks for another one). but i noticed that he is molting and i can feel his hips and spine more so than i could before..i am just wondering if this is normal or if i should be worried. I have been seeing the "chain poop" because he has been eating carpet, but it hasnt been that much of it and I have made sure that he hasnt been eating carpet any more. I guess i am just looking for all of the help and advice i can get because i love Bentley with all of my heart and I want to live a long healthy life. (: Thanks again!

Hi Lexi,

You need to get him pellets with nothing in them.  The colorful pellets are extremely dangerous.  You also need to feed him some good quality hay.  I like the Oxbow hay because it is kiln dried and the bunnies love it.  I believe you can order it from Foster and Smith or another online store.

If you are seeing stringy poop you need to take him to a rabbit savvy vet.  It sounds like he is developing a case of GI stasis.  You can read about that here:

You can find a rabbit savvy vet here:

I wish you luck with your bunny.  
