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rabbit eyes ....followup

22 10:45:53

Hello, I asked you a question yesterday about my rabbit who got kicked in the face by my other rabbit. Well when i got home, the corner of the eye,(either a tear duct or the inner eyelid like where a human tear duct pointed toward her nose)  was swollen out of the eye and visibly red. It kind of looked like a dog eyes when they have swollen tear ducts. The swelling has gone down some since yesterday, but the vet has no appointments until Monday.   She seems to be doing fine, eating, drinking and playing like normal. Have you encountered anything like this? Do you know of anything i can do for her to help until i get her to the vet?

Thanks so much--Kelly


I would suggest in the meantime buying an over the counter eye lubricant to alleviate some of the pain your rabbit is likely feeling.

I know it can be hard to find a good rabbit vet and you may be reluctant to try someone else, but I would highly recommend finding another veterinarian that can see your rabbit immediately. Eye injuries are one injury that should always been seen by a veterinarian immediately. Even a busy veterinarian should ideally make room for emergency situations and this is certainly one.

Best of luck!