Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rex bunnies

rex bunnies

22 10:59:18

QUESTION: A couple of questions, actually.... My (2) bunnies appear to have a red or pink tinge to their over-all eye/lid surrounding eye... Could that be something to worry about? Because of the recent winter season, they have spent a great deal of time couped up as opposed to outdoor play that we try to do as often as the weather will permit, could their eyes be reacting to less direct sunlight or is that just silly? Also, how in the heck do I bathe them? I love to hold them & I think they know they're safe and I'm good but every once and awhile they scratch then heck outta' me when they're in my arms, they seem to want to excape, how in the world can I bathe them? I have the vet trim their nails regularily since they have little outdoor digging going on right now but they still cause some damage on my arms when they struggle! I guess I want to know how to have calm bunnies, they can scare me a bit sometimes.
ANSWER: Hi Angela,
the pink could be from an allergic reaction to something,or an infection in the eyes.  You would have to have your vet check this out for you to be sure.  It wouldn't have anything to do with the sunlight,don't worry.
 Calming them requires frequent handeling and try offering treats when they're in your arms.  It will take time,but eventually they'll be ok.
All the best,Elizabeth

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will they bite me if I put my fingers under their chin (to give treats) or when they pounce forward at me? Is that just a reflex? And also, could the fact that they are not fixed yet affect their behavior?

Fixing rabbits will definately have a calmer outcome in their behaviour for sure..when you give them treats you don't need to put your fingers under their chin,this can make them panic and jump.
Just give them the treat in their food bowls,all the best,Elizabeth