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why is my rabbit so sad

22 10:33:46

i had a rabbit name Taurus and i had her for about one years then we then we got a boy name chick we did not know at the time but the two of then where really close but one day we woke up to find Taurus on her bed and had a lot of blood on it later we find out that she was  having babies she could not push them out so she died now my boy seems really sad then some day he is happy is there some thing wrong with him or do he just miss Taurus

Dear Daneisha,

Chick is very likely mourning the loss of his mate.  The kindest thing to do would be to have him neutered:

let him heal, and then contact your local rabbit rescue group:

to set up a "blind date" with some of their adoptable, spayed female rabbits.  Let Chick pick his own mate, since rabbits are very choosy and will fight ferociously if they are just "surprised" with a new pal.  You also don't want to risk another litter-related death.  So be *sure* everyone is spayed/neutered before you proceed.

For all the best information on rabbit health and care, be sure to visit:


I hope this helps.
