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Diet and Exercise for Rabbits

22 11:24:29

I caught a semi-wild rabbit in my friend's neighborhood the other day. It's a full sized adult rabbit from the looks of it. (About a foot long, maybe 7-8 pounds). It's gotten to know me and doesn't mind when I pet it and such. I haven't been able to get it any hay yet, but it has gotten some grass. I'm concerned because A)It won't drink out of its water dish, and B)it just sits there and does next to nothing. It's got what looks to be a double chin already. I'm working on creating a small fence, seeing as how the area I live in isn't all too spacious. I've given it carrots, lettuce, small slices of tangerine, a small handful of grass, and a few peanuts. Please advise  me on diet and why it won't drink, and how to get it exercise. Thanks again.

hi wilson-all it needs to eat is a dry mix which you can buy a t the pet shop -dont worry about it drinking justleaveits water available and it willdrink when it wants to.
it will get some water out the grassand titbits-dont feed it fruit as this willgive itthe runs. long as it can move about it willnot needmuch exercise