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Just bought a Rabbit Tonight

22 11:07:51

I have had a rabbit for many years back when i lived at home with my parents and now that i am in my own place i decided to get a rabbit again. But i forgot how to begin to litter train the rabbit and also how to pick the best cage? The woman at the pet store told us to get a wire bottom cage, that that was the best. so we did. If it isn't what can i do to the cage to make it better?

Hi Krystle,
you can begin by placing the litterbox filled with pine shavings in the cage to start...then after having been going in there for a couple weeks,you can put another outside the cage for it to use when the rabbit is outside roaming.  You should have no problem...also,you can put in some kind of box for the rabbit to go into when it's in the cage,they love boxes...wooden even better!
 all the best,and good luck,Elizabeth