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why is this

22 11:34:59

 I am 15 and i have a lop eard rabbit. On friday when i got home from school i noticed that he had a runny eye. I know runny eyes can be because of there teeth. But he has not long had them cut. The colour of the stuff coming from his eye is the same colour as milk. I amr eally worried about this because i dont no what it is. Can you help.

           Thankyou so much

Hi Amie,
Your rabbit may have conjuctivitis, which is sometimes curable and sometimes not (but it is not fatal, don't panic). This is extremely common in rabbits.
Also it could be his teeth, the teeth don't just grow in length they sometimes grow outwards, up into the jaw and into the eyes and nose. This means that the teeth would have to be taken out, but if you had them trimmed by a vet, they should have checked this so it probably isn't that.
It could be a strong disinfectant that you may be using or different hay or shavings, anything in his hutch that is new should be removed to eliminate it.
Take your rabbit to a vet to have this problem checked out.
Hope this helps