Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Jealous Bunny?

Jealous Bunny?

22 10:40:41

QUESTION: We have had our Netherlands dwarf rabbit since April.  He has been a great calm bunny the entire time.  Today we bought a chinchilla and from the moment the bunny saw the chinchilla he has been going crazy.  It began by him thrashing wildly inside his cage.  Slamming into the walls and knocking everything over and upside down.  He was kicking so hard that the door came open and he flew out.  Once on the ground he ran wildly an finally calmed down.  He allows us to pet him(even more so then usual) and seems perfectly fine out of his cage.  But once we put him in his cage and close the door he goes wild again.  WHAT CAN WE DO?

ANSWER: Dear Nick,

For now, I would not confine him in the cage, lest he seriously injure himself.  The behaviors you describe are not those of a jealous rabbit, but rather of one who is terrified to the point of potentially deadly panic.

If he is running free, he will feel safer because he believes he can get away. That's why he calmed down outside of his cage, but went nuts again when he was confined.

He will eventually adjust to the presence of the stranger once he realizes it can't harm him.  But until then, let him loose (making sure the house is bunny proofed!) so that he can investigate and habituate on his own terms.

I would NOT confine him again until he is completely used to the chinchilla.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your quick response.  The bunny has seemed very calm since that first day, but is still acting a little strange.  The bunny has not seen the chinchilla since that first day.  I am hoping that seeing the chin again will not cause the same problem.  Is there anything we can do to help foster this cohabitation?  Should we allow the bunny to go in the same room as the caged up chinchilla so that he realizes or should we keep them as seperate as possible for as long as possible?  Thank you again for your help.

Dear Nick,

When introducing bunny to a new (and scary!) item in the house, it's best to let the bunny discover and explore it for himself while you're home to supervise.  I'd leave the door to the chinchilla's room open, so that your bunny can go in at his own pace and check out the situation.  When he realizes he can go up to the new things, sniff them, get startled or scared but be able to run away without being harmed, he'll gradually get used to the things, and they'll become part of his background.

If he seems stressed, keep a close eye on his food intake and poop output.  Those are the best clues to a rabbit's health.  You might also read:

to know what signs to look for if there's trouble.

Hope this helps, and that the rabbit and chinnie will be pals soon.  :)

Take care,