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Rabbit not well

22 11:08:02

I have a 6 year old lop eared rabbit,she has always been  fussy with her dry food from the pet shop, but the last couple of weeks she will not touch it, She has eaten some carrots and broc,and a little toast, someone told me to give her a gingernut biscuit,and she ate that.But she also sleeps very deep, sometimes she does not know i am there untill I strock here.Is she just getting old or is she not very well? Please could you tell me what you think. Thank you.june

Hi June,
your rabbit is getting on in age...and is most likely losing some hearing which is normal with aging. If she's eating and drinking..and having regular stools there's no need to worry.  She's just starting to show signs of aging.
 Keep an extra eye on her to make sure she's going to the bathroon ok and regularly, if there are any major changes contact me again,or a qualified vet for advice...I wish you luck,Elizabeth...And Happy Holidays too!