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cottontail is dying

22 10:26:17

My mother and I saved a baby bunny from a cat from the age 2-3 weeks. I have done lot of research in the last 2 day and we were going to take it to rehab. Its been very healthy and it it was spouting with energy this mourning but around 8:30 i felt something went wrong so i went to see how he was and he was laying on his side lifeless. So i went to check if he died. when i did so he moved in to my hand but he was on his side when doing so. I cant determine if he broke his leg or if hes dying. pleas help. Misty

Hi Misty,

he most likely has developed an infection from the cat (cat saliva in the mouth and on claws is lethal to small animals).  

If he is warm, take a small cold pack, wrap it in a light dishtowel, and place it next to him, allow him to lean on it.  If he is cold, warm up a heating gel pad (warm NOT hot!!!!) wrap in a light dishtowel and place next to him.  Stay with him and get him to a vet as soon as possible tomorrow, or get him to the rehab place as soon as possible.  Make sure he drinks water, feed him via a plastic medicine dropper if necessary (just do it VERY slowly, a couple drops at a time to make sure he can swallow okay).

If you have any Bene-bac in the house, give him some.
