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Dyeing a rabbit as a gift

22 10:26:18

Hi, I would like to buy a rabbit and dye it pink as a gift. Is this possible without harming it? I'd like to dye it a soft pink, nothing too strong. Thank you.

Dear Danny,


It is actually illegal in most states to dye an animal, as it is cruel.  Rabbits are very sensitive to being bathed, and I know of too many rabbits who have actually died from the stress of a bath to recommend anything like what you are planning.  Please do not even consider taking a chance like this.  It may sound cute now, but believe me, it is NOT cute for the rabbit.

Thousands of rabbits are abandoned and dumped each year, especially after Easter, after having been given as gifts to people who really don't want to have a rabbit or commit to their long-term care.  Most of these rabbits die.  Few shelters will accommodate rabbits, and those turned in to them are almost always euthanized.  Setting a domestic rabbit loose in a park or other "wild" area is a death sentence:  wild rabbits live in burrows in large social groups for protection.  Dropping a rabbit off in a park would be like dropping you off in the worst neighborhood in town with no clothes and no protection.

I hope you can see my point.

For all these reasons, it is NOT advisable to give someone a rabbit as a gift without asking them first if they are willing to make a lifetime commitment to take care of a social, intelligent animal that can live 10 years or more.  

A rabbit is not a toy.  It is not a disposable gift.  It is a living, sentient being worthy of respect and humane treatment.  I know you will do the right thing, and instead of getting a live rabbit for your friend, you will get an adorable *toy* stuffed rabbit with the offer of "the real thing" if the person really wants one and is willing to learn proper care before making a final decision.  For more information on proper rabbit care before you make a big decision like this, please go to:

From this site, you can contact your local chapter of the House Rabbits Society, where you can adopt an abandoned bunny who is already spayed and neutered and who is in need of a loving Forever Home.

I hope this helps you make the decision to do the right and mature thing.

Good luck,