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Neutered house rabbit spraying

22 10:32:10

Hello Lee, hope you can help.
I have two house bunnies, a neutered boy - dwarf lop about 2 and a spayed girl - lionhead about 2 1/2.
They're both pretty much litter trained although we do have the occasional puddle in front of the litter tray after they have been cleaned out, which I figure is territorial.
Every now and then one of them pees on the sofa.  I'm sure it's 'aimed' at me as it aways seems to end up with me getting soaked.  I'm pretty certain it's the boy but my husband thinks it's the girl so it could be either or both!  In the seconds it takes to trickle across the sofa they've both legged it.  They get hand fed pellets every evening and I don't know if one of them is getting a strop because he/she thinks the other is getting more.  It's hard to keep them off the sofa because they're so used to jumping up.  It is also always in the same spot.
I don't know if it's relevant but we got the boy first then had him bonded.  During the bonding (about a year ago) it was very much the boy that was mounting and now they are home the girl started mounting and still mounts his head quite regularly, she has also chomped back all his whiskers.  When they get their evening treat the boy starts chasing the girl.  I wonder if it is all them both just trying to be dominant?
Any help you could give us would be appreciated, is not pleasant being peed on!!!


it's a territory thing.  Both are claiming the sofa as theirs.  They are overmarking the others' territory marking.  That or if they only do it when you are feeding them, they're trying to claim you as their own (that's my food source).

If the sofa will continue to be a place they can go, you need to fully clean the cushion covering and the cushion itself, then put a litterpan on the spot they normally mark (just there when they are out) so that if/when they mark, it will be in the box.  If it occurs only when you feed them like that, you may have to not do that on the couch.  I'd try feeding them on the floor and see if they pee.  If so, put a litterpan down on the floor and feed them when they are in the litterpan.

As long as they are not actually fighting (and they aren't from what you say) they are fine with the dominance arrangement.  Dominance can shift back and forth over time.
