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EXTREME RABBIT EMERGENCY: Fly strike and Swollen Genitalia

22 10:20:28

My male lop has a swollen penis and I have noticed that there are a few maggots in the area.  I have not been able to find an open wound that is infected.  What would you suggest as the cause and possible treatment.

Dear Steve,

Your bunny has fly strike, and this is life-threatening.  I doubt that there are only a "few" maggots, as a fly will lay hundreds of eggs.  YOu must either get your rabbit to an experienced rabbit vet NOW:

for emergency treatment, or do this yourself.  But trust me.  If you see a "few" maggots there are more, and your bunny's life is in serious danger.  The reason his genitalia are swollen is a reaction to the maggots, and you must get them off NOW before he has a toxic shock reaction

To remove maggots, dilute povidone iodine (betadine) in lukewarm water and have a bowl of detergent water standing by to receive the maggots you pluck off with tweezers.  They won't die, but this will keep them from crawling away, and you can dispose of them down the garbage disposal later.

Look *everywhere* for maggots, including the skin on the back and bum.  Feel the area for any wet/damp spots, which will be indicative of maggots.  Douse these areas with betadine, and hold bun under running water (the affected areas only!  Don't get bunny more wet than necessary) to wash out the maggots.  Flush with full-strength betadine to get the maggots to come out.

Note that even after you *think* you have them all, there will be more.  You will have to re-check him every few hours, and you will find more.

You should consider this an EXTREME EMERGENCY and get this bunny to a good rabbit vet NOW, or do this emergency treatment yourself, to at least get the maggots off.  They will kill him if you do not remove them.

I hope this helps.