Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > baby bunny fleas

baby bunny fleas

22 11:16:50

My daughter recently got a baby lop.  She is now about 3 mos. old.  We keep her outside in a wire cage with a wooden box on the other end for shelter, with hay for bedding.  The baby bunny now has a few fleas and I would like to know what I should do so that she doesn't become infested.  I read that putting 2 tsp cider vinegar in 32oz of her water every few days would chase them away.  Is this safe or is there a better remedy?
Thank you for your time.

Dear Donna,

Both Advantage and Revolution are safe flea remedies for rabbits, and you can get them from a good rabbit vet:

DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly to rabbits.

Rabbits are not safe in an outdoor hutch, no matter what the pet store might tell you. Please see:

Hope this helps.
