Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Can I be allergic to my rabbit?

Can I be allergic to my rabbit?

22 10:37:31

We have had an adorable rabbit since he was 5 weeks old.  He is an indoor house pet, fully litter box trained, and roams the house all day long.  He is very social and follows us all through the house.  We could not ask for a better pet.  The children LOVE him.  My problem?  He loves when I hold and caress him.  But get a "rash" around my eyes, neck and arms.  My friend said she has heard that sometimes people are allergic not the rabbit but to corn when ingested by the rabbit and then something comes out of his pours on to his fur?  

Can you help with any knowledge on this.  We do not want to give away the rabbit BUT my rashes look very Bad.  Thanks for nay help.

Well I hope something here helps you with your bun, he sounds like a great bunny.

Some thoughts,
First, does your bunny eat a feed with corn in it?
If the answer is yes, you can switch him to a feed without corn.  That would be better for him anyway.  Corn really isn't something a rabbit should eat.
If you use corncob as a litter, you can switch him to something else.  Corncob isn't much recommended anymore as a safe litter for rabbits.

Another alternative is to not cuddle with him even though he enjoys it so much.  

The real trick here is to determine if you really are allergic to him and if so, what can be done to minimize problems for you.
These links have suggestions on what to try if you think you may be allergic to a rabbit:

I hope something in here works for you, he sounds like a great bun.