Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Can a rabbit wear a collar?

Can a rabbit wear a collar?

22 9:39:19

Hi, i would like to know if rabbits can wear a collar?


Dear Helana,

No, rabbits cannot safely wear a collar.  They are not even particularly safe for cats.  But rabbits do not have the large muscles found on the necks of dogs, and cats.  A collar is uncomfortable and inappropriate for a rabbit's anatomy.

A leash and collar are a recipe for disaster.  I'm also not a fan of harnesses.  Rabbits are simply not suited to being led on a leash, as they can startle easily and suffer life-threatening injury by being restrained on a collar, leash, or harness.

In short, I would strongly discourage anyone from putting a collar, leash, or harness on a rabbit.  It's not safe, not necessary if the bunny is housed safely indoors, and just not the right thing to do.

I hope this helps.
