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Dwarf rabbit health concern

22 11:17:39

I purchased a baby rabbit (about 5 weeks old ) at a county fair a week ago. It was from a breeder. I brought her home and everything was fine. Then Thursday I woke up to find her head straight up in the air and runny nose, and a sort of hiccuping or something. It lasted for a couple of minutes and then she was fine. Now this morning it happened again. I don't know if she is choking, or hiccuoing, or sneezing. Appettite, playfulness, and elimination is fine. Exept when this episode happens. She sits in one spot looking a the ceiling. I don't know as this is my first rabbit. Thanks

Dear Stefanie,

Please get this little one to a good rabbit immediately:

A rabbit who puts her nose straight in the air cannot breathe, and she might either have pneumonia, or have aspirated food.  Either one needs immediate veterinary attention if she is to survive.

If there is nasal discharge, then the former is more likely. Please read:


so you'll know what to ask the vet.  To keep her nose clear in the meantime, so she can breathe, use a pediatric ear bulp to gently suction away the mucus and discharge from her little nostrils.  Wiping with a warm, moist cottonball will help remove the crust, but be very patient and gentle, so you don't hurt her nose.  The "hiccuping" you saw was her gasping for breath because her nose was clogged.  Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, and breathing through the mouth means they are in great distress.

A bunny of 5 weeks is too young to be weaned, and this can predispose her to illness.  Any breeder who would sell you a bunny this young is breaking the law, as most states do not allow the sale of mammals younger than 8 weeks of age.  SHAME on that breeder for putting you through this!

I hope your bunny will make it.  If so, and you ever decide to let her choose a companion (after she's spayed), please see your local rabbit rescuer, whom you can find here:

A rescuer will never take advantage of you the way that breeder did.  I am sorry you're having to go through this, but hope your bunny will be fine.

Hope this helps.
