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Female rabbits mating

22 10:33:38

We have just acquired two, one year old female rabbits from separate previous owners.  We have introduced them and they get along great.  They follow each other around and sit huddled up together.  Today we have noticed that they keep trying to mate each other and take it in turns.  They are both large rabbits, the larger one being a belgium blue.  Whilst trying to mate the other female she is biting the back of her neck and is pulling out the hair and the are is looking a bit pink. The only reaction the second rabbit has to this is by pulling away and trying to mate the other one.  Neither of them have been spayed and to be honest I wasnt going to have them spayed.  They both seem quite good natured so far.  They have a lot of freedom and have the run of the garden and the garage and a large area to sleep and eat in.  As they have so much free space and they are not confined in a cage I am hoping if one does become very upset she will just run away, however after they have  this moment of madness they actually sit together quite happily.  I dont really want to have to separate them as they will have to go in cages, which I dont agree with.  Any advice would be gratefully received.

thank you


hi caroline it sounds as though one or maybe both have a notion that they want to mate and this attitude might last for a few days .
the only way out is either to seperate them or have them spayed -but if you want babys in the future ?

silly question but you are sure they are both females.