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class pet bunnie

22 10:33:38

Hi I am in the 5th grade and my class wants to get abunnie as a class pet. I
have 2 bunnies at home and it is not that easy but should I confront my class
or should I tell them what its like? It is extremely fun but they need constant
care and cant really be passed a rownd what should I do?

Dear Didi,

You are a FANTASTIC bunny mom, and very wise.  A classroom bunny is a terrible idea, and you should *definitely* share the following articles with your teacher and with your classmates:

Your bunnies are very lucky to have such a caring person as you to look after them, and I hope you can convince your class that having a bunny is NOT a good idea.  Rabbits need as much care as a dog or cat, and you wouldn't have one of those in the classroom, right?

Good luck on your crusade for The Right Thing!  I hope you are successful!!  You're the BEST!
