Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My Sweet Pet Rabbit

My Sweet Pet Rabbit

22 9:43:19

My male pet rabbit is having trouble with keeping sticky stool from forming in a hard ball hanging on his anal and genitals (testees) I try to soak and wash the stool off but his area there is very swollen. what is going on and why is this happening and please tell me what to do to stop this stool from gathering around his genital area . This last time he acts like it is hurting him and looks very anger. Help me fix this and tell me what to do or not what I doing wrong.   Sherry in Charlotte

Hello Sherry
I would stop feeding you rabbit all pellets,greens,treats,anything that could soften his stool.
Only give dry thimothy grass. Or dry Hay.
Do this for a week or two. This may help..give lots of clean water.
Keep the area cleaned up with warm water.
Good luck