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My Rabbit Keeps Making Wimpering?

22 10:36:55

In the middle of august 2007 , we bought 2 baby rabbits and got told that they were both girls.
A couple Of months later, we found them both humping and now whenever the boy rabbit goes near the girl rabbit the girl rabbit starts crying/whimpering. We spoke to the receptionist of the vets and she said we needed to keep them separate, we bought another cage until we get the boy rabbit neuted.
When I spoke to my friend about this she said her rabbit started crying/whimpering when she was pregnant.
I have noticed her lying down a lot when she is in the garden and i am giving her enough hay incase she is pregnant, but could you give me some advice and tell me if she is pregnant or not ?

Dear Sammy,

I can't tell if your rabbit is pregnant from here, but she could be.  She also could be having a false pregnancy.  Please get the male neutered ASAP, and then gradually reintroduce them so they won't become "unbonded."  Please find a good vet here:

In case she is pregnant, here is some very important information:

Hope that helps.
