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Rabbit bulge

22 11:23:49

I have a 7 year old rabbit.  Lately I have noticed that on her left side (if she's facing me and I'm facing her, it is my right) there is a that where the stomach is?  She really hasn't exhibited any abnormal behavior.  I'm taking her to a vet on Thursday (soonest appointment I could get) but I'm wondering if I've waited too long.  I don't take her out much and she is a little plump.  Could this be serious?  Is there anything I can do to help her in the mean time?  Her diet consists of timothy hay, pellets and she gets a piece or two of dried apple or banana for a treat.  She also gets one store bought puff treat a day.

Dear Darlene,

It's possible that you're seeing a bulge that's just a full stomach or cecum, but if you're noticing a significant change in her anatomy, it's a good idea to have your vet take a look.  Be sure the vet is familiar with rabbit medicine and the special needs of rabbits!  If you don't have a good rabbit vet, you can find one here:

You didn't mention whether or not she's spayed.  If not, there could be a uterine problem--though if she had a tumor big enough for you to notice from the outside it would probably also be accompanied by bleeding.  If it is a uterine tumor, she is NOT too old to be spayed, and this would be the best course of action, before anything starts hemorrhaging.

Timothy hay and pellets are fine, but she also needs a variety of fresh, wet greens daily for best health.  Please see:

As long as she's acting normal and eating and pooping well, this doesn't sound like an emergency.  I hope the vet has a good exam for her, and that it's nothing to worry about.  If it is a problem, though, please feel free to write back if you have any other questions.

Good luck!