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my rabbits acting different

22 10:43:02

QUESTION: I've got a rabbit called Maggie and I took her to stay at a rabbit holiday home-type-thing. i know the person looking after her would look after her fine as she's a good family friend and she is the person we got Maggie off in the first place. But since i brought her home shes been really quiet. Normally she would come up to me in the morning when i fed her and she'd run around in the run of a morning and when i would have her one my lap she would play with me and explore and stuff. but now shes just not the same. she really quiet and sits there all the time. it's like she just can't be bothered any more. The one thing that i have noticed is that in her private area there's like a small little pouch that is full of stuff that looks like mushed up poo. i don't know if this has anything to do with it but she doesn't seem to be cleaning in that area a lot these days. she did loose a mate earlier this year but i thought that she had sort of ''moved on''. i don't know if it's the fact that she's seen all the other rabbits together at the holiday-home-type thing. please help. i really don't know what to do.


It is possible that your bunny has an upset stomach.  When you took her on holiday did you instruct the care givers to give her the exact same feed that you give her at home?  If they gave her anything different it could have upset he GI cycle.  The mushy poo is definitely not a good sign.

Normally I would say she was just angry with you for leaving her but I am deeply concerned about her mushy poo.  It can be from an injury and she can't reach her cecotropes.  It can be from a diet change that contains to much protein.  It can be from gas or the beginnings of GI stasis.  I really think it is in Maggie's best interest to go to a vet right away.  Mushy poo can be caused from all sorts of things and it can lead to a vicious cycle of poor food intake -- GI slow down -- GI stasis -- Ileus -- death.

If you don't already have a vet you can try this site...

If you don't see one near you then try your phone book.  Call all the vets in your area and ask them if they treat exotic pets.  If they don't then ask them the nearest place that does.

It is really not good for a rabbit to change environments.  The only time I would ever send a rabbit to another place is if I myself was going on vacation and I needed someone to watch my rabbit.  I usually would hire someone or get a family member to stay right at my home.  Rabbits GI systems get upset very easy and the stress of going to a different place can cause them to become ill quite quickly.

I am so sorry that Maggie is sick.  I can almost bet that as soon as you figure out what is wrong with her that she will be back to her normal self.

Good luck and give Maggie a nose kiss for me.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks..i think. i did notice yesterday that she wasn't eating that much, only little tiny pieces. but now shes gradually eating more and more. shes sort of getting more active and she's more affectionate now. yesterday i had to clean her up a little around that area cos she did have an ''accident'' but where i finished shes started to clean there. i think its getting better and she's eating little bits of her hay now, that helps her digestive system, right? but anyway i haven't been to the vet because she seems to be getting better, eating and cleaning herself. but i don't know what to do now.
thanks anyway though
p.s. when i read that Maggie could die you got me down to tears. its just like I'm not doing anything right. I've just lost misty from a stroke and last year i lost molly from a heat stroke.

Oh Emma I am sorry.  I didn't mean to make you cry.  You just have to take her to the vet if she doesn't continue to improve.  It is very important to always give her fresh hay all the time, not just when she is sick.

If you notice that she is not improving please don't wait to take her to the doctor.  I can tell how much you love her and I know how sad it is to have a sick bunny.  I am very sorry about Misty and Molly.  I will pray that Maggie is ok.
