Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Breeds


22 10:32:12

QUESTION: Do different breeds and sizes if rabbits need different exercise i am doing an animal care course and the answer to this question will help me a lot.
Thank You very much
Stacey Xox

ANSWER: Dear Stacey,

All breeds and sizes of rabbits need regular exercise, and there really isn't a difference in their basic need.  Most smaller breeds tend to be more active, but this isn't always true.  And since many larger rabbit breeds have been bred large to gain weight, it may be even more important for them to have regular exercise several hours a day so they don't become obese.

Every rabbit, no matter what breed or size, requires at least 4-6 hours of free running time and play per day for good physical and psychological health.  We never cage our rabbits, and the happiest, healthiest ones are those who do the most exercise, no matter what their breed or size.

Hope that helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you that does help but

Do different breeds need different types of runs?

Thank You

Stacey Xox

Dear Stacey,

They won't need different *types* of runs, but they certainly would need different sizes of runs.  The minimum size run I'd use for *any* rabbit would be about 12' x 4' for exercise.  The bigger the rabbit, the bigger the run.

As far as different types of toys and exercise equipment goes, that depends more on the individual rabbit's personality and activity level than his breed.  And there are as many personalities as there are rabbits.  :)

Hope that helps.
