Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Safe Treatment for Cut on Lip

Safe Treatment for Cut on Lip

22 9:39:04

I adopted a rabbit from a rabbit rescue yesterday. I noticed today that he has a cut/sore on his upper lip that is a slightly brown. He doesn't seem to have any trouble eating or drinking, so I don't think he is in any pain, but I would like to clean it if possible. Would it be safe for me to apply hydrogen peroxide on a q tip as a disinfectant?

Thank you for your help!


I would be concerned that your bun might lick some of it up unintentionally. Try gently wiping with a warm washcloth or warm water on a qtip - if he'll let you. If it's dirt or blood it should come off relatively easy If he's not too keen on letting you get that close, don't stress him out since he's in a new environment. It will clean up on its own regardless.

