Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i think my rabbit has maggots

i think my rabbit has maggots

22 10:01:17

what do i use to clean my rabbits bum if it has maggots and will it work if i use dog or cat shampoo ??????????????????????????????????????????????????


I don't suggest you do it yourself, except for any that are clearly able to be removed.  You need to get the rabbit to a good rabbit vet (or any vet if you have no rabbit vets) for them to thoroughly inspect, remove all maggots, and flush out the area, see what damage has been done and repair anything that needs repairing.  Under a general anesthetic.

Start here:

to find a listing for rabbit vets in New Zealand - there are international links to rabbit vets on this page.

Please get her in right away, the maggots will do damage and cause infection, physical damage and your rabbit could go into shock.