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Bunny Meeting New Bunny

22 11:23:39

Hi. I've recentlly bought a new harliquen loppy ear rabbit.Its a male.When I took him home to meet his new friend a black polish draf female he was fine so was she until today. When I went to see how they were doing they were matting. Ever scince we brought him home the female has become very mello and is barley motivated usally she is running around her cage and house all crazy. Do u know y ?  

Are either of them spayed or neutered?  If not, then hormones are running rampant and she is going to act like a woman with very severe PMS.  

Ideally, you would introduce them using the steps at  

If, however, you intend to have babies, then I would check out a site such as because rabbits can produce a new litter every 30 days.
