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cat found baby bunny

22 9:49:07

I need help please!!! My cat this morning somehow caught a baby wild brown bunny. It was screaming and my cat dropped it. I picked it up and noticed he had a few wounds from my cat! I went and got everything needed to care for him, and noticed he has a very small no bigger that 1/2 inch open wound. It not bleeding or anything it is a clean cut. But open. It its not effecting his movement he still hops around but when he does it opens.
I estimate his age at about 2weeks his eyes are open but very small. I need to know what to do to keep his wound clean and keep him alive until I find a proper foster parent. Someone who knows how to take care of wild animals.
Anything you can suggest would be greatly appreciated!
Thank You so much,

I'm so glad you caught it. My cat did the same thing not too long ago and I couldn't catch the bunny in time.
He's likely a month old. The one I saw looked like it was really young as well, but if he was two weeks, your cat would have had quite a fight on his hands with the mother rabbit as they are protective over their young until they are about a month old or so.
I suggest warm salt water compresses to the wound and you can go to any drug store and get tea tree oil. It is anti-bacterial / anti-fungal. If you can cover the wound, it will keep dirt and debris out. At least for a couple of days, minimum.,. Do the compresses twice a day and when you are done put the tea tree oil over it and put a bandage on it and then wrap it around his body with either a tensure bandage or medical tape. If he keeps getting it off then so be it, then just let it air dry. Rabbits have a tendency to build very thick pus and they abscess quite easily. You want to actually remove the scab every time you clean the wound for the first few days. If it simply heals over it will likely abscess and then will break open later to drain.

There are usually wild life resource centers in almost every town. If you call a local shelter, they should be able to refer you to one. I once rescued 4 baby snapping turtles and I came them to them to care for. It was free of charge.

Wear gloves when you handle the rabbit. Because he's been exposed to  anything and everything, some diseases that affect rabbits in the wild can be transmittable to humans, such as rabbit fever or rabbit syphilis.
Is the rabbit showing any signs of a cold or snuffles with runny eyes or a runny nose. Clear fluid from the nose is ok. Sometimes when rabbits are getting over-heated their nose will run clear fluid. Signs of a bug (bacterial or viral) would be white discharge coming from the nose.
Try feeding the bunny things it would find in the wild first such as grass, hay (timothy is best) dandelion leaves etc. This should be what he is used to...
If you have a picture it would be helpful, but since the rabbit was on his own, he is likely eating on his own by now. If he nibbles at what you give him, then he should be ok to go without milk. If he's been off milk for awhile you don't want to re-introduce it unless he's losing weight and doesn't seem to be eating. If so, carnation milk will work, or they sell a kitten supplemented milk from the pet store if need be. Slowly, you can begin to integrate pellets that domestic rabbits eat. start with just a few a day at first and make the staple of his diet they hay and grass etc. Don't feed berries because if he's too young then it might just cause diarrhea. Pepto can be given if you notice diarrhea. It is considered safe. A small amount diluted into a dropper will work but they hate the taste of it. You can also crush 1/16th of a pepto tablet and sprinkle it on his food.

If you need anything further don't hesitate to ask.
