Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbits nail is falling off and i need help...i dont know what to do PLEASE write back

my rabbits nail is falling off and i need help...i dont know what to do PLEASE write back

22 11:24:38

please help me my rabbit is wraped up in a blanket on my lap and slowly drifting to sleep because of the pain.  i was playing around with her and i noticed her nail it was black and falling off at the end..closest to the was bleeding a little bit and she is in exruciating pain...i dont know how to help her.maybe you do? if so please write back a.s.a.p thank you soo much


Dear SS,

If you have what you think is a veterinary emergency, the internet is not the place to look for help!  You need to find a veterinarian and get the bunny there ASAP.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

What you describe does not sound like a life-threatening emergency.  If the nail is black, this might be an old injury, though I can't say for sure without seeing it.

If there is any evidence of pus or necrosis (tissue death), the food *must* be examined by a rabbit-savvy vet as soon as possible, since infection in the feet can rapidly spread to the bone and become very serious.

A bunny in pain is not likely to drift off to sleep.  Rather, he will sit hunched in pain and grind his teeth.  If your bunny is actually losing consciousness, then the problem is extremely serious, and you need to get him to an emergency vet NOW.  The problem in such a case is more than a simple broken toenail (which can be nipped off easily by the vet in no time).

I can't really tell what's going on with the bunny from your post, but I hope this will at least get you on the right track to getting him some veterinary help and relief of pain.

Please write back if you have any other questions.
