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differences in Hay

22 11:24:18

So would feeding my rabbits, straw or any other type of have better than feeding them Alfalfa..

we do have timothy hay in the small bags but it costs alot and if I can by another type of hay  or straw and have it be ok or just as good then that is what I would like to do.. but if I should ONLY feed them Timothy then I will.

Followup To
Question -
Would you please help educate me on what is the difference in the types of hay and what is the best hay to feed your rabbit. I live in Utah and have asked about timothy hay and everyone says that we don't have that type here. They all say we have Alfalfa hay.. Please help me clear up this confusion.

And one more question, We have a new baby bunny that is 4 weeks old and I wanted to know how much food (pellets are am I suppose to give this little gal and when and how much do I feed her of the fresh Veggies ?


Answer -
You can find diet information at, which will tell you how much and when it's good to feed the rabbit.  He's way too young for veggies now, just pellets and hay is all he should eat.

Alfalfa hay is a common hay, horses eat it a lot, and local feed stores may carry it.  Down south here coastal hay is common, feed stores also carry it.  Timothy hay is grown up north, like in Washington, and usually you can get it by mailorder or at Petsmart or Petco.

Alfalfa is good until the rabbit is about 10 months old, then you can start switching to timothy or coastal hay.

There are some other kinds of hay, but I don't know if they are grown in your area.


For young bunnies, alfalfa is best.  For older rabbits, timothy is best.  Straw has no nutritional value, so you could use it for bedding but not for them to eat.

You can also order timothy hay online from places like American Pet Diner and Oxbow Hay, that might be a cheaper alternative.
