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french lops

22 10:57:42

hello, i have 2 female rabbits that are 15 months old. 1 of them has developed an abscess around the neck which has been lanced twice by the vet. since then the 2 rabbits seem a little aggressive in the hutch as they are kept together. 1 of them has been pulling out fur and making strange noises. i am a little concernered as i have not heard this noise before. could it be linked to the abscess or could it be a phantom pregnancy? please advise whether we should get them spayed? thank you, chloe aged 11

Hi Chloe

It could be a phantom pregnancy.  It happens a lot this time of year.  I really doubt it has anything to do with the abscess as long as you are regularly having it examined by a vet.

Honestly if they are your pet rabbits it really is best to have them spayed.  Rabbits that aren't spayed have a higher incidence of ovarian and uterine cancer.  Since you don't plan on breeding them it is best to have the surgery done.  It will also help with the aggressiveness.  Now mind you spayed rabbits can still have false pregnancies but certainly not as frequently.  I always say if you love them and you aren't breeding them or showing them its best to get them fixed.

Good luck and if you have anymore questions please let me know
