Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > vegetables


22 11:26:29

I recently read that cabbage can be toxic to rabbits, and I totally freaked out! I give my rabbit cabbage all the time.  But then I read a site that said cabbage was good to feed rabbits. I can't get a consistent answer about feeding my rabbit carrots either.  I just want to do what is best for my bunny, can you tell me what vegetables are ok, and which are not? or tell me where to find a reliable list online? thank you, Jamie

Dear Jamie,

Don't worry!  You haven't poisoned your rabbit!  Cabbage is not toxic, but because it's so rich in sulfur, it can cause gas in some sensitive individuals.  This can result in serious pain and misery, which can lead to worse problems, such as shock or ileus

But if your bunny tolerates cabbage without getting gassy, I would not worry.

Hope that helps!  Please write back if you have more questions.
