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injured bunny

22 10:40:06

We just bought a lionhead rabbit 2 days ago. This morning my neighbors dog got into my backyard and appears to have bitten off the nose of our bunny. Does this require antibiotics?  My father-in-law said we should have it put down.  I don't think that extreme is neccessary.  Will this heal on its own??  What care do we need to provide??

Dear Julianna,

Please get the rabbit to a good rabbit vet *immediately*.  IF someone had bitten off your nose, you would be at the emergency room within minutes.  Your rabbit deserves the same care,

IF this is a flesh injury, it might be treatable.  If there is bone loss, the vet will have to make a judgement.

But I would definitely make your irresponsible neighbors aware of this terrible tragedy!  They should be responsible for all your vet bills resulting from their negligence!!
