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rabbit has mites?

22 10:39:35

hello i have a bunny named ava and a kitten named emma.. both are indoor animals only! recently i noticed that on the back of my bunny down by her tail is this flaky dandruff like area and the hair is falling out! i did some research and think it is possibly mites.  there are no vets around my area that deal with bunnies so im kinda out of luck in finding someone to treat her.  i was told that i can use advantage to treat the mites but when i looked it up it says its only for fleas.. im thinking of getting advantage for kittens for my cat and i was wondering if i could put it on my bunny too.. will this get rid of the mites or is there something else i should do?  i live in canada and would like to get rid of this soon... thanks in advance!

You can give advantage to rabbits, and it's been tested on rabbits. I think you might use the same advantage for kittens on rabbits.  It would be a smaller dose then the kitten would get, I'm just not sure what the exact dose would be.  I swore that advantage was also used for fur mites, but I can't find it referenced.

If you can get it, Revolution is supposed to be very effective for fur mites.  It may also be under the name Stronghold.  In the states, advantage or Revolution are only sold by vets.  

I hope this does help, you're at a bit of a disadvantage with no bunny vets in your area.