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Worried about my pet rabbit

22 10:20:21

I have a dwarf rabbit that is 9 years old. Is it normal for their testicles to drop? Mines right testicle is very low and vary large. The other one (left) is much much smaller.
Thanks so much for you help,

Dear Paris,

I found your question in the question pool, not addressed to me, but I hope I can help.

An older rabbit's testicles may droop (just as an old man's might!), but it's not normal for them to be of different sizes.  If one is very large, it could be abscessed or cancerous, and should be removed.

Any surgery carries risk, but a good, experienced rabbit vet should be able to evaluate your bunny as a surgical candidate and do the neuter that might be necessary to save his life.  You can find a rabbit-experienced vet here:

I hope this helps.
