Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > appropriate bedding for rabbits

appropriate bedding for rabbits

22 11:22:13

We just bought a new wooden hutch for our rabbit.  Half the cage has a plastic coated metal grid to allow droppings to fall through to the tray underneath and the other half is a nesting area with a wooden floor that can be removed for cleaning.    I would like to have nesting material in this area for my rabbit to snuggle.  I use pine shavings in her litter tray and don't want to used that in the nesting area.  What should I use?  Would straw be good or should I use Timothy Hay which would be kind of expensive?  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Straw is just fine for the nesting area. However, the rabbit may decide to use the nesting area as a bathroom. That often happens with those type of cages. If it does, you will either need to clean the hutch more often or try to litterbox train the rabbit, so that it only goes in the litterbox.