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coccidia questions

22 10:03:48

I have three bunnies with coccidia and I have read that ammonia is the best cleaner.  Is it safe to use ammonia to soak their litterboxes, wash the floor in their cage and under their pens and to wash their rugs in?  Also, what is a 10% solution and how do you figure how much ammonia to use to wash the floor or soak the litterboxes?

Thank you.

Dear Mary,

Ammonia is suggested as a cleanser, but a 10% bleach solution will work, too.  To make a 10% solution, just use 1 part bleach (or ammonia) to 9 parts water.

Once you have the solution, just sponge or mop a thin layer onto all surfaces you wish to disinfect, wait about 5 minutes, and then rinse with plain water.  Allow to dry very well before using the surfaces.

Hope that does the trick!
