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2 month rabbit

22 10:29:48

Dear sir,
I bought a 2 month old albino ??(white fur/red eyes) rabbit yaeterday.I am feeding him with coriander leaves.I am scared to use cabbage n carrot as he is small.Hay is not easily available at my end.My question is:
1)Is his diet ok.What else can I add to it at his age.
2)I am working so leave my son at mom's house.5 minutes drive from my house.Is it ok to take bunny in basket to her house.
I am calling her to my home now for him to adjust.I don't want him to die.Please help me take good care of him.As a kid I lost a parrot and never want him to get hurt because of me.Thanks,rimpy.

Hello  Rimpy Kamra !
Well 8 week old rabbits should be weaned already. this happens at 6 weeks. Furthermore no one should be selling rabbits that are to young to be on thier own.
Your Rabbit should be eating a product made for rabbits a commercial rabbit pellet is all your rabbit needs you can get some at pet store,Walmart, even a local feed store.
Just HAY or ALFALFA will not be enough.
I would stay away from feeding your rabbit GREENS this will soften their droopings and dehydrate them.
carrots are ok only as a treat, not a sole source of nutrition.
You alos need to continue to feed your rabbit the same feed and brand once you start  because they get used to it and digest it the same  so if you start  changing the food all the time it will make your rabbit stop eating. treats are good but limit them to samll treats and only after your rabbit has eaten most of its pellets., because some rabbits will like the treats so much they will not eat anything else and starve its self waiting for the treats.
Good luck...
Dan Vallo