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Rabbit bites and digs at my cloths

22 10:05:47

My rabbit will bite and/or dig at my pants and/or shirt, usually when I lay down on the floor with her. if I stop her from one side she will go to the other side and do the same. I don't think there is any aggression but I don't know.


it isn't aggression.  Friends groom friends.  Especially if she's going after a pant seam, or button, or something in her mind that doesn't seem right.  Lots of times they think you have a fur snarl or patch that needs some help being groomed out.

Sometimes it can be playful nips like pay attention to me, you're in my way, I'm here! - but from the context you describe, it's probably grooming.

And rabbits love to nibble cloth, especially cotton, when it's soft.  A great treat for many are 'diggy piles' of clean, no longer used cut-up cotton tshirts and towels, in a big pile for them to play in and with.  They need to be cut up so they can't get strangled in tshirt sleeves and necks.  Towels if they are gigantic can be cut into smaller ones.