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squeaking female rabbit

22 10:34:58

hi, i was just wondering if you could help me out with my female miniature dwarf rabbit. Her name is Lola and in the past couple of weeks she has been squeaking a lot. Our male Chester would go near her and she would squeak like she was uncomfortable or in pain. Same when i touch her.
I realized when i got home from work a heap of her fur was under a blanket on the couch. Is she in danger from doing this or attacked by Chester?
Last thing i noticed today, i moved the water dish over to her and she charged and it with her head.
If if you could give me some insight to why Lola is being like this it would be appreciated.

kind regards

Lola wants a boyfriend!! Is she spayed?  If she is not spayed then she needs to be.  The fur you saw was probably nesting materials.  If Chester is not neutered then she is probably pregnant.  She is also showing signs of being cage protective.  When you push the water dish towards her she is trying to protect her territory.  The best thing you can do is to try working with her in a neutral area.  One that she has never been in.  Sit on the floor with her and let her come to you.  This process can take hours and should be repeated daily until you and Lola have a connection.  If Lola is not already spayed I guarantee that when she is she will be a lot nicer.  If you have any doubt that she may be in pain please take her to a rabbit savvy vet right away.  The only other reason why she would do this is that she is in pain.  If she is already spayed then something is hurting her.

Good luck and I hope Lola gets over her little attitude soon.