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My baby rabbits might have mites?

22 10:18:15

My rabbit gave birth to five babies six days ago.  I
discovered a red itchy-looking lump about 2 centimeters
large by the hind leg of one of the babies.  Some of the
babies appear to have dry skin in some areas.  Could this
be mites?  I first thought the lump was a bruise from mom
accidentally stepping on the baby.  Both mom and dad rabbit
don't appear to have mites.  Does this warrant a vet visit?

Dear Jennifer,

The large red bump doesn't sound like mites, and the babies are actually a bit young to already be showing signs of mite infestation.  It's not impossible, but not very likely.  The red lump sounds more like a bruise or perhaps even the bite of a small spider or a flea.  Hard to tell once the culprit has fled the scene.  But keep an eye on it for any sign of infection of development/change.

I'd also keep an eye on the flaky skin for a day or two more, and if the flakes are the same or worse by the time the babies are about 10 days old, then I'd take them all to a good rabbit vet:

(in their nest, if possible) for examination and possible treatment with Revolution (selamectin).  We've used this on very young babies with no adverse effects and good results.

Please also read:

for more important information.

I hope this helps.
