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Urine/twitching problem

22 10:37:11

It has been approximately 5 days since I just received my drawf bunny. The first 2 days it did not want to eat at all but the third day he started eating lettuce and carrots and then the normal rabbit food. But I am concerned because It seems that it cannot drink water from the water bottles, what can I do about this? On the fourth day I noticed that it's urine was unusually dark orange. Is this a serious problem? And then I noticed that it would twitch and jump to a corner of the cage and then twitch again and jump to another corner.

Thank you for your help.

Dear Francisca,

Provide the bunny with a heavy, shallow bowl of water instead of a bottle.  It is much healthier for him, and allows him to drink in a more natural position.  The dark pee could indicate that he's getting dehydrated, and needs a better source of water that he knows how to use.  (Rabbit pee can vary in color from yellow to orange to red or even brown, but if it's very dark and thick, bunny may not be getting enough water, which is VITAL for his health.)

If this is your first bunny, then you should definitely visit:

for all the best and most correct information on rabbit care, housing, feeding, etc.  

The twitching you see is a "binky":  a happy little dance a bunny does when he's in a good mood.

Good luck with your new baby!
