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Hurt Rabbit

22 10:16:47

I have a dwarf rabbit who has been sick before, however this time is different.  Two days ago I awoke to my poor little rabbit whose head is titlted about 120 degrees around so I can only see one of his eyes.  The first day his eyes would constantly shift left and right quickly.  So his head is tilted and his eyes have stopped shifting but he cannot walk straight and he is constantly flopping over onto his side when he attempts to walk.  I spoon feel him water and gave him food but he is not eating or drinking much at all. Thank you for your time.

This sounds like wry neck or head tilt. This is a serious issue that needs vet attention.  It can be caused by bacteria, ear infections and multiple other things.

even with treatment the rabbit may always retain a head tilt. Depending on what your vet thinks is the cause, will determine how bad it is and what your treatment is going to be.

Is a link to get some more info about head tilt.

Good Luck