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my rabbit is ill and i dont no whats wrong

22 10:43:09

my rabbit is 5 months old i went out to his hutch today and i went to get him he usally hops out but he did not, he was laying there he was very floppy and was drinking very much water.we took him to the vets what do you think could be wrong with him because we have not got very much information.

Dear Leanne,

If the weather was very hot, he may have been suffering from heat stroke or heat exhaustion, especially if he was drinking excessively.  If he's very young, it's not likely that he is in renal failure unless he ate something toxic that harmed his kidneys, but excessive drinking is also a sign of kidney problems.

Please find a good rabbit vet here:

and read this to know how to tell if he's sick, and what to do until you can get him to a vet.

For now, be sure he's indoors in a stable temperature, which is critical if he's suffered from heat exhaustion.  Rabbits are *very* sensitive to heat, and should not be outdoors if the temperature is above about 80 Farenheit.

I hope he will be fine, but if he's still lethargic in the morning, please get him to an experienced rabbit vet who can find out what's wrong and properly treat it.

Take care,