Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Use of Planet Petco Natural Pine Pellet Cat Litter for dwarf bunnies litter

Use of Planet Petco Natural Pine Pellet Cat Litter for dwarf bunnies litter

22 9:41:32


I just adopted two dwarf sister bunnies and use 2 inches of Planet Petco Natural Pine Pellet Cat Litter from petco in their litter box with Timothy hay on top. The bag of pine litter does not specify "kiln dried," but does kiln dried really matter if I'm just using it for litter under their hay? I know pine has a bad rap for liver problems but I want to ask a professional and not just go off internet scares. Thanks again.


Dear Enrique,

We use pelleted pine sawdust for litter under our hay, and it works fine.  I do think that all the panic over pine is a bit overblown.  As long as the bunny is in a well-ventilated house and can get away from the litterbox for most of the time, it's not going to cause a problem.

Pine shavings are not great, but it's not as if a little box of pine pellets is going to poison the house.  And they make great compost!  We have the best topsoil in the neighborhood.  :)

Hope that helps.
