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My Bunnie smells

22 10:31:07

Ok well my boyfriend bought me a bunnie I'm not sure if its a bunnie or a rabbit but my boyfriend has very smelly feet and sometimes we can smell our bunnie boo over his feet, Is it bad that he smells? Is it a heath problem?
Or do i need to take him to the vet to get checked out

Hi Carrie,

yes, you should take him to the vet to get him checked out.  All new pets should be taken to a vet for an intial exam.  I suggest going to a good rabbit vet (not all vets are good rabbit vets) to get the best care and most for your dollar.

To find one near you go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet.

I would explain you are a first time rabbit owner, and ask him to cover the basics with you, including diet, proper litter to use, and later on when he/she is older, getting them fixed.  

I would also strongly, strongly urge to you to pick up the books I mention in my profile information, and to spend some time on the House Rabbit Society web site ( going through their comprehensive article archive on all aspects of rabbit care and behavior.
