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My 8 month old mini-lop keeps weeing around the house

22 10:02:42


My mini-lop bunny keeps weeing around the house.

He is a very friendly, happy bunny and has been litter trained since I brought him home at 4 months old, I have know idea why he started doing this 1 week ago. I always keep the door to his cage where his litter tray is wide open but this doesn't seem to help.

Thank you for helping me x

ps. he is not neutered, when I took him to the vet to be checked over at 4 months, he told me this was not needed as my bunny is the only animal in my house. He does not spray and there has never been any other animals in my house that would leave a scent.  

Dear Julie,

You need to get your bunny to a more rabbit-savvy vet.  The sudden urination all over is, indeed, territorial marking, and it's due to sexual maturity.  Having him neutered will help, though you may also have to do some re-training.  Please see:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

For more information about litter training, please see:

Hope that helps!
