Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > runt of the itter

runt of the itter

22 10:57:43

my rabbit had babies and there is a runt see if i bring the baby up 2 the house with the mum once a day will 2 feed the runt will it improve in size but it hasn't got peanuts

Sophie, not really - the runt always stays the runt.  Surprisingly they live tho they have to fight much harder to eat.  If they die in the nest it is because they are to weak to survive.  Right now I have a runt out of a litter of 12 - the rest of the litter weighted 800 grams at 30 days and she weighed 250 - the cutest little thing.  She has the heart of a lion !  I will take special care that she goes to a loving home where they will appreciate her courage and will to live.